Oh did I mention that the shower is 5 minutes long? Yep. 5 minutes are just enough for me in the bathroom.
Let me tell you how I get through those 5 minutes now that I'm becoming a bit of a cold shower therapy professional lol , but these 3 past days have tested my patience on the combo of this chilly weather and the cold shower
- I usually get up around 5 15am.
- I set the timer for 6 minutes (Why 6 minutes? Well because it usually takes about a minute to psych myself up to get in the tab.
- I get in,and start thinking about it
- Then. I scream.
- (*Note - for these 3 days I just stood there, like an idiot in the cold water, and then I got smart. Time went by much faster if I were doing something, so I started washing my hands and feet in cold water)
- Once my hands and feet are washed, which usually takes a good 2 minutes, then...I take a deep breath, as deep as I can; given I am having trouble catching my breath, and I turn around.
- I move to my chest. Oh My GOD! Once the chest is well saturated with the cold water. It's almost painful it's so cold.
- Then I rinse and cleanse my face. Oh yes. I do.
- I take care of the business of the rest of the body, and then I start to pray a little bit. Almost exactly the same way every day. Almost pleading, "Please God, be over...be over...is it over? Please. God. Be over." And then..suddenly the timer goes off.
I am a cold shower friek but it had never been this hard like the past 3 days of my life.
BUT...I have my cold shower for 5 minutes every single day...for the
past 25 years.
This last 3 days have tested my Ninja powers, but starting today I am back on my cold shower life time therapy.
This last 3 days have tested my Ninja powers, but starting today I am back on my cold shower life time therapy.
PS: I don't wanna do lukewarm showers I cherish the cold one more.