Sunday, February 9, 2025

To My Son and Daughter

1.Make your bed every day, even if it’s right before you get in it.

2. Don’t wear holey underwear…in case you’re in an accident and they cut your clothes off.

3. Travel light through life. Keep only what you need.

4. It’s okay to cry when you’re hurt. It’s also okay to smash (some) things; but, wash your face, clean your mess, and get up off the floor when you’re done. You don’t belong down there.

5. If you’re going to curse, be clever. If you’re going to curse in public, know your audience.

6. Seek out the people and places that resonate with your soul.

7. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

8. 5-second rule. It’s just dirt. There are worse things in a fast food cheeseburger.

9. Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Don’t confuse these.

10. If you’re staying more than one night, unpack your bag.

11. Never walk through an alley alone.

12. Be less sugar, more spice, and only as nice as you’re able to without compromising yourself.

13. Can’t is a cop-out.

14. Hold your heroes to a high standard. Be your own hero.

15. If you can’t smile with your eyes, don’t smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to.

16. Never lie to yourself.

17. Your body, your rules.

18. If you have an opinion, you better know why.

19. Practice your passions.

20. Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no.

21. Wish on stars and dandelions, then get to work to make them happen.

22. Stay as sweet as you are.

23. Fall in love often. Particularly with ideas, art, music, literature, food and far-off places.

24. Fall hard and forever in love with nothing but yourself.

25. Say Please, Thank You, and Pardon Me, whenever the situation warrants it.

26. Reserve “I’m sorry” for when you truly are.

27. Naps are for grown-ups, too.

28. Question everything, except your own intuition.

29. You have enough. You are enough.

30. You are amazing! Don’t let anyone ever make you feel you are not. If someone does….walk away. You deserve better.

31. No matter where you are, you can always come home.

32. Be happy and remember your roots, family is EVERYTHING.

33. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

34. No one will ever love you more than I do.

35. Be kind; treat others how you would like them to treat you.

36. If in doubt, remember whose daughter and son you are and straighten  wear that crown

Simply Allow

Here are10, because there are way too many things people won’t swallow.

Attraction matters. And attractive people get more attention. This means those who are naturally blessed and eat right and stay active and take care of themselves tend to be more attractive. And that’s not fat shaming. It’s fact.

Stereotypes exist because they’re based on traits of specific groups of people. I’m not going to elaborate on this one, because it gets me moderated.

Sex matters. Stop having sex with your partner and it will hurt your relationship. Also, it’s not cool to use sex as a weapon. Stop doing it.

Too many parents are not preparing their children for real life and it’s the rest of us who are going to have to suffer through it. Ugh. Other people’s kids.

Most of us are just average. And that means you’re not special. And neither are your kids. Stop telling them they are. See number four.

Men are better at some things than women, just as women are better at other things. Guess what, men and women are not equal and women are not the future. Men AND women are the future. Stop being so damn sexist.

The government tends to fuck things up just about every time they get involved. Stop thinking the government will fix things. They don’t. They create chaos to distract people from what’s really going on.

Just because someone is wearing a white coat and has an MD after their name, does not mean they know exactly what they’re doing. Don’t blindly trust anyone. Even Cs get degrees.

Your strong opinion doesn’t make you right. It just makes you opinionated. Yeah, I’m talking to you.

Just because you live in a ritzy zip code, just because you attended a prestigious university, just because your bank account has more zeroes after the one, it doesn’t make you better than anyone else. Your shit still stinks

Monday, April 24, 2023

Socialising Better

When with your friends/partner don’t fiddle around with your phone. Give them your “energy” and not just presence.

If you are invited to someone’s place always take something along. Could be as simple as a bottle of wine or as elaborate as a home made cake.

Say thank you, please and sorry when needed. Nothing wrong in being polite.

Help someone with the door if they have their hands full when entering a mall, shop, restaurant etc.

When someone asks you for stock/financial advice tell them you don’t know better than them! Avoid stock tips, you can ruin someone’s life.

When someone is talking, really listen. Look into their eyes time to time and nod. Does not matter if it’s a guy or a girl

Give credit where credit is due. Take responsibility if things don’t work out 
